object - objectX - mission

void CreateArtefact(string strArtefactID, int nX, int nY, int nZ, int nArtefactNumber, int nArtefactSpecialType)
void CreateArtefact(string strArtefactID, int nX, int nY, int nZ, int nArtefactNumber, int nArtefactSpecialType, int nPlayerNum)

Scope: private


strArtefactID - artefact idetifier
nX,nY,nZ -location (note that nZ specify weather artefact is placed in tunnels (nZ=1) or on the surface (nZ=0) not the altitude)
nArtefactNumber - unique artefact number use for identification purposes
nArtefactSpecialType - one of
nPlayerNum - optional number of player.

Return values

Use this function to create artefact. If strArtefactID is special artefact ID then you will be notified whenever any unit of any player will visit this place. If parameter nPlayerNum is present then visibility of artefact behaves like visibility of building owned by player number nPlayerNum.

See also
Artefact, Artefact identifiers