object - player

unitex CreateUnit(int nX, int nY, int nZ, string strScript, string strChasis, string strWeapon0, string strWeapon1, string strWeapon2, string strWeapon3)

Scope: public

nX - x-coordinate
nY - y-coordinate
nZ - 0 - ground/1 -tunnel
strScripts - unit script (can be null, or relative to Scrits\\Units path and without extension f.e. "AdvancedTank", "AI\\CivilEmpty")
strChassis - chassis
strWeapon0 - cannon 0
strWeapon1 - cannon 1 (if there is more than one cannon slot)
strWeapon2 - extra cannon possitioned on cannon 0 (if there is a slot)
strWeapon3 - extra cannon possitioned on cannon 1 (if there is a slot)

Return values
unitex pointer

Creates unit in specified location.

See also
CreateUnitEx, Chasis and weapon identifiers